Chain Reaction

Pop Rock

Phil Buckle : guitars
Brett Garsed : guitars
John Farnham : lead and backing vocals, guitars
Angus Burchall : drums
David Hirschfelder : bass, keyboards


Australian Children's Choir (choir)
Catherine Waters (choir)
Chuck McKinney (choir)
Doug Brady (shouting)
Jack Jones (guitars, backing vocals)
Joe Creighton (choir)
Kerrie Miles-Dubber (backing vocals)
Linda Bull (choir)
Lindsay Field (backing vocals)
Mark Stevens (choir)
Mat Thomas (shouting)
Richard Gimmer (choirmaster)
Ross Fraser (guitars, backing vocals)
Steve Williams (harp, sax)
Suzie Ahern (choir)
Tommy Emmanuel (guitars)
Venetta Fields (backing vocals)
Vika Bull (choir)
Wendy Stapleton (choir)

1 - That's Freedom

2 - In Days To Come

3 - Burn For You

4 - See The Banners Fall

5 - I Can Do Anything

6 - All Our Sons And Daughters

7 - Chain Reaction

8 - In Your Hands

9 - New Day

10 - The Time Has Come

11 - The First Step

12 - Time And Money

Doug Brady: Engineering

Doug Roberts: Engineering

Ian McKenzie: Engineering

John Farnham: Production

Ross Fraser: Production

from the same Artist